Remarks at the Launch the National Initiative for Civic Education - Uganda (NICE-UG) in Gulu
NICE-UG is a collaboration between the Government of Uganda, the United Nations, civil society, private sector as well as cultural and religious stakeholders.
Honourable Ministers present
Representatives from Civil Society
Representatives from Private Sector
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
I would like to begin by conveying my heartfelt congratulations as you launch the call to action to implement civic education. Uganda has been known for sharing innovative approaches to complex issues, your leadership in the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda at the General Assembly by 193 Member States, your solidarity infused approach to refugee management which has been recognized by the world as an example of dignity in times of distress, your adoption of several Presidential Initiatives focused on critical issues such as the Presidential Initiative on HIV/AIDs, Wetlands and the focus of today, the National Initiative for Civic Education in Uganda (NICE-UG).
Launched on the margins of the Africa Now Summit on 12 March 2019 by H.E. the President of the Republic, NICE-UG comes as the first structured collaboration between the Government of Uganda, the United Nations, civil society, private sector as well as cultural and religious stakeholders to promote efficient delivery of relevant, value-based civic education as part of the national journey towards sustainable development and shared prosperity. A revitalized national civic education system has the potential to significantly benefit all Ugandans especially during election campaign periods when tensions run high. NICE-UG is a Presidential Initiative aligned to the National Vision 2040, the National Development Plan III and the Sustainable Development Goals. Uganda’s National Vision conveys an aspiration to become a modern society, the SDGs provide Uganda with a pathway to accelerate action by 2030, and now we have a joint roadmap for the next five years in the National Development Plan III which rightly focuses on improving the quality of life of households across the nation. Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, we will support implementation of NDPIII, including the program on mindset change. The question is, what is each one of us going to do to bring these aspirations to life?
I believe we agree that there can be no peace without development and no development without peace. This means it is very important to ensure that all citizens recognize their role in sustaining national stability and that the Government recognizes the importance of creating platforms for collaboration between the State and citizens around core principles and shared ambitions. The role of security agencies in promoting peace is also of importance. Uganda’s policies, strategies and visions are some of the best in the world, the challenge is implementation, especially for women and youth at the rural level.
Some of the challenges Uganda faces include the impact of COVID-19 on the social and economic situation of Ugandans-especially the most vulnerable, the impact of climate change leading to increased number of floods and other natural disasters as well as the impact of population growth including the need to improve participation of the youth and more recently the impact of hate speech linked to the ongoing electoral process. We must prevent escalation by promoting peace, encouraging dialogue, supporting development and promoting adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures against COVID-19 by all. We can begin by identifying positive cultural values and universal principles. The role of culture is very critical as Uganda develops a new economy, implements a new development plan and pursues its democratic journey. It is my hope that through NICE-UG we will be able to benefit from the promotion of the concept of Ubuntu – our shared humanity and its equivalent across the various communities in Uganda. This rich cultural value system espouses tolerance, social cohesion, honesty, mutual understanding, and hard work among others. These are local values of global relevance.
Before I conclude, I would like to emphasize that hate speech is a menace to democratic values, social stability and peace. As a matter of principle, the United Nations must confront hate speech at every turn. Silence can signal indifference to bigotry and intolerance, even as a situation escalates and the vulnerable become victims. Tackling hate speech is also crucial to deepen progress across the United Nations SDG agenda by helping to prevent armed conflict, atrocity crimes and terrorism, to end violence against women and other serious violations of human rights, and to support the promotion of peaceful, inclusive and just societies. Please note that addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law. In this context, NICE-UG provides a neutral space for coordination and harmonization of all efforts and interests (state and ‘non-state’) in delivering sustained civic education informed by national values and universal principles. NICE-UG is the result of long term informal and formal consultations on the need for comprehensive, coordinated and sustained civic education in Uganda informed by the lessons learnt both in Uganda and in Ghana. I invite everyone to work with the Executive Board of Directors led by Mr. Joseph Biribonwa, as Chairperson as well as Ms. Barbara Katende of Makerere University Kampala and the Uganda Human Rights Commissions head as Vice-Chairs. I also invite you to support Mr. Crispin Kaheru, the Executive Secretary for NICE-UG who will be responsible for ensuring the Secretariat comes to life immediately. I use this opportunity to reiterate my commitment to ensure the impartiality and guard against the politicization of this initiative. In this context, I will continue to pay particular attention to ensuring inclusive participation by stakeholders from across society to develop a values-based compendium of messages promoting peace, respect for diversity, inclusiveness, shared prosperity, solidarity and freedom of speech. NICE-UG use digital platforms to disseminate messages on peace, hope and transformation. This will help ensure that as promised during the adoption of the SDGs, together, we will leave no one behind.
Thank you.
Speech by