Rt. Honorable First Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister of State Disaster Preparedness, Response and Refugees,
Minister of State representing Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development,
Representatives of Ministries, Departments and Agencies,
Your Excellencies, Ambassadors, Development Partners, Representatives of the Private Sector, Civil Society,
Heads of UN agencies (UNHCR, UNDP Deputy),
Refugees, host communities and youth in particular
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am honoured to represent the Local Development Partners’ Group (LDPG) at this launch of the Jobs and Livelihoods Integrated Response Plan (JLIRP) for Refugees and Host Communities in Uganda 2020/21-2024/25. The LDPG includes 22 development partners including the UN system, the World Bank, IMF and Heads of Development Cooperation. This Plan, which is fully aligned with the objectives of the third National Development Plan (NDPIII) and the SDGs, offers entry points for development actors to contribute to livelihoods enhancement and improvement of the economic status of refugees and host communities.
We extend our appreciation to the Government of Uganda, for embracing and putting into action the aspirations of United Nations Global Compact for Refugees, which provides a blueprint for governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure that host communities get the support they need and that refugees can lead productive lives. We would like to appreciate the communities and Government of Uganda for providing a safe haven to those seeking safety. Thank you for your sacrifice and solidarity.
I would also like to recognize fellow development partners for their continued commitment to reorient ourselves from the traditional development approaches to now adopting a new approach working together with humanitarian actors across the humanitarian-development-peace-nexus which places people at the center of our action.
In June 2017, H.E. the President of Uganda and the UN Secretary General jointly hosted the Uganda Solidarity Summit on Refugees in Kampala to mobilise international support towards the Country’s commitment to a progressive approach to refugees and give thousands of partners the chance to witness this Ugandan model firsthand. Since then several joint plans have been developed responding to our call for greater efficiencies in host districts. Today’s Plan consolidates Uganda’s position as a global leader in transforming the way the world responds to refugee situations, by developing interventions that aim at creating decent living for refugees and their host communities, improving the quality of life for all. The Plan is in line with the UN SDG pledge of Leaving No One Behind, and we are confident that it will positively contribute to peaceful co-existence, poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability, private sector growth in the targeted communities and inclusive economic growth.
Dear participants, as we join efforts to support implementation of this plan, we call on development actors to pay particular attention to the following:
- We must emphasize human capital development as an entry point to development and viewing refugees as agents who positively contribute to socio-economic transformation of the communities in which they live if their potential is fully harnessed through education, skills development and opportunities.
- Let’s ensure that the sustainable use of natural resources and protection of the environment is at the center of all interventions so that the ability of future generations to meet their needs is not jeopardized by the irresponsible actions of our generation.
- We must ensure accountability to those who are going to contribute resources to this plan, as well as to the communities that we serve. Attracting support can only be sustained if we can demonstrate that there is value for money in the way we manage the resources and the impact of our work.
- We must build new partnerships and reach out to potential stakeholders in the public sector, Civil Society, Private Sector and bring this plan closer to the people and create jobs for all.
I wish to conclude by pledging our commitment to support the implementation of this plan. Thank you for your attention.