Mr. JJ Bakalikwira, Assistant Commissioner, National Guidance, Ministry of ICT and National Guidance
Dr. Maxime Houinato, UN Women Representative
Mr. Joseph Biribonwa, Chairman, National Initiative for Civic Education in Uganda (NICE-UG)
Mr. Crispin Kaheru, Executive Director, NICE - UG
Dr. Frank Muhereza, Executive Director, Centre for Basic Research
Representatives from Civil Society and Private Sector
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am delighted to welcome and host this E-dialogue session on the role of civic education in inspiring a new spirit of citizenship. As you are aware today, Uganda commemorate the heroes day. A day set aside to celebrate the sons and daughters of the land who sacrificed and fought gallantly for a better Uganda. It is a day that provides us with an opportunity to stop and reflect on our actions towards a better Uganda. While the generations before us fought physical wars, we are faced with different opportunities and situations that await to elevate us to share in the table of heroes.
In this regard, I acknowledge and applaud all the patriotic Ugandans who regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender or age are law abiding, exercise their civic responsibilities and embrace the oneness of being Ugandan. I take my hat off for all the health workers for their dedication towards combating the spread and effects of COVID 19 pandemic and all those who strictly adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on COVID 19 prevention. Similarly, I take cognizance of all our brothers and sisters serving in Peacekeeping missions across the region, our sports and entertainment ambassadors among others who in one way or another who courageously hold high our pride as a people.
Ladies and Gentlemen
This year’s celebrations come hot in the heels of an electoral period. Elections are a fundamental aspect in democracy, they are not only a tool of democratic participation but also provide a field for competition for representation, leadership, power and access to resources. In this regard, elections and democratic processes affect each one of us in one way or another. While elections in many countries including in the west are seen as a do or die leading to fractured intra and inter-communal relations, I believe that educated communities and Africans in particular on their civic responsibilities and privileges stand to better design and manage their democratic processes. In this regard, I echo a quote from one famous law professor who said that, “A Constitutional democracy is in serious trouble if its citizenry does not have a certain degree of education and civic virtue.” We need to engage and converse about our shared values and aspiration collectively as one people.
I am therefore greatly humbled and honored to see Uganda achieve a milestone in the promotion of civic education. This process has been a journey that the United Nations in Uganda has walked with the government and the people of Uganda. As we celebrate this year’s heroes day, his Excellency the president will also launch the national civic campaign titled, Uganda: this is Home. The campaign is the brainchild of the National Initiative for Civic Education in Uganda (NICE-UG) with support from the UN. His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda launched NICE-UG on March 12 2019. The launch was preceded by deliberate and concerted efforts aimed at finding a homegrown solution towards a comprehensive and coordinated Civic education. In this regard, the UN supported wide and in-depth consultations among the various actors and organizations from the State and non-state actors on the how best to improve civic education in Uganda. This was then followed up with a benchmarking visit to Ghana with the participation of representatives of the Government of Uganda, the UN and the Civil Society. The visit, provided critical lessons on how best to engage communities on civic education, sustenance of peace, justice and human rights.
Before, during and after the 2021 elections, NICE-UG implemented the Peace1st campaign, which significantly contributed to the calmness of the country despite the highly contested and polarizing elections. Informed by the lessons and experiences from the Peace1st campaign, NICE-UG has now developed and a civic education campaign which is the first ever national mindset change campaign. The campaign aims to inspire a new generation of citizens informed by the Pan African value system of Ubuntu. The campaign will influence a shift from divisions occasionally deepened by politics to a more harmonious co-existence as a modern state. This campaign aims to rally citizens to celebrate diversity, increase appreciation of Ugandan values and transform society through citizen participation including of its mostly youthful population.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I conclude, I implore each Ugandan, to love this their home and work towards making it better. I take this opportunity to affirm the UNs commitment towards the people of Uganda by working together with the government and the people of Uganda towards the realization NDP III implementing the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2021 to 2025.
I thank you and welcome you to this E-dialogue.