Government launches ‘Protect the Girl, Save the Nation’ campaign
09 December 2021
Caption: Health Minister Dr. Ruth Aceng who represented the First Lady signs a dummy lauch after Rt. Hon. Nabbanja committing themselves to the campaign
Vows to address increasing cases of defilement, teenage pregnancies, child marriage due to COVID
It’s been one year and eight months since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared. Nations continue to grapple with the disease and its impact. Unfortunately, children continue to bear the brunt of the impact of the pandemic. As scientists, leaders, politicians promote efforts to slow the pandemic, the global pandemic threatens to become a child rights crisis – robbing children of many of their rights including education and protection.
In Uganda education institutions have been closed since March 2020, denying children their right to learn and benefit from the additional support and safety nets that come with staying in school. The prolonged school closures have resulted into increased vulnerabilities of children especially the girl child, exposing many to early marriages, sexual abuse, defilement, and teenage pregnancies. The numbers of those affected continues to grow, robbing the affected adolescents from their childhood.
To create safe environments for adolescent girls and boys to grow and thrive, the Government of Uganda with support from UNFPA and UNICEF launched a nationwide campaign to address defilement, child marriage, teenage pregnancy as well as promote positive parenting. The yearlong campaign dubbed ‘Protect the Girl, Save the Nation’ is spearheaded by Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni, the First Lady, Minister of Education and Sports and adolescent girls’ champion, supported by various stakeholders. The Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo and Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja are co-champions of the campaign.
In her remarks read by the Minister of Health Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Mrs. Museveni applauded UNICEF and UNFPA for holding hands with the Government to save the lives of young people adding that as a mother and minister responsible for the education of children in Uganda, she feels the current situation of increased cases of defilement, child marriages, teenage pregnancies and failed parenthood in the last two years is alarming.
Caption: Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja (Centre, front row), poses with other dignitaries – Ministers, ambassadors, development partners after the campaign launch. The partners committed to supporting the roll out the campaign that will begin in December 2021
While delivering her remarks, Hon. Robinah Nabbanja the Prime Minister of Uganda and Co-champion of the national campaign, reiterated government support towards the campaign and rallied all government structures to contribute to ending the harmful practices. She singled out the religious leaders, judiciary and all leaders – ministers, members of parliament, district leaders, resident district commissioners, police, local council leaders and reminded them that it is their duty and responsibility together with government to protect and save ‘our girls’ and to create an environment in which they can grow and explore their full potential.
“It takes a village to raise a child” is a well-known proverb. But, why does it take a village to raise a child? It takes a village to raise a child because raising a child is a huge task and a big responsibility that requires a collaborative effort,” Dr. Munir Safieldin, UNICEF Representative in Uganda.
The campaign that will utilize a multisectoral approach that will involve various government Ministries, Departments and Agencies and these were represented at the launch. A dialogue was held prior to the launch on the same day to discuss ways of how Government working with partners can forge a way forward to end teenage pregnancy, early marriage and promote positive parenting.