Uganda UN Country Results Report 2022

Every year, the United Nations System in Uganda together with the Government produces an annual report on progress in the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework consolidating UN’s collective and complementary efforts to the work of the Government of Uganda as outlined in the Third National Development Plan (NDP III).
The focus of this year’s report is ‘advancing sustainable development in a period of unprecedented shocks.’ You will see throughout the report how the UN integrated emergency response and resilience building into sustainable development. On behalf of the United Nations system in Uganda, it is my singular honour to present to you the United Nations Annual Results Report for 2022, an attestation of resilience and success amidst turbulence.
Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic subsided in 2022, the country still faced intense challenges such as a high level of food insecurity in the Karamoja Sub-region, floods in Mbale and neighbouring districts in Eastern Uganda, and the Ebola disease outbreak. Uganda experienced the impact of the war in Ukraine – with increased commodity prices and inflation which further constrained the already tight fiscal space and the high refugee influx from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Amidst all these challenges, the UN system in Uganda remained true to its promise to support the Government to address the country’s development challenges to deliver on the Vision 2040 and the 2030 Agenda as articulated in the UN Cooperation Framework for Uganda. The UN family rallied around the Government to support the emergency needs in Karamoja; supported the Government’s disaster response efforts including raising over US $ 42 million from local donors, and US $ 26.3 million from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and the Japanese Supplementary Budget towards the Ebola Response Plan as well as addressing other key development challenges as dictated by the Sustainable Development Goals, leaving no one behind.
Considering all the development shocks in 2022, for the country to regain momentum on its progress to become a middle-income country, we need urgent acceleration of efforts of all partners to be able to meet the goals and aspiration of NDP III. We need improved coordination to enhance cost effectiveness and delivery efficiencies on all national development programmes. We need effective preparedness and emergency plans and plans to build resilient institutions and communities to withstand shocks. Finally, we need strong partnerships to ensure sustainable solutions to development in the long run and a deeper and more strategic engagement and dialogue on resource mobilization.
On behalf of the United Nations system, I express our appreciation for the good working relationship with the Government of Uganda, development actors, civil society actors, and academia. To my UN family, let us strengthen coordination for better results and delivery of services for everyone in Uganda.
Susan Namondo-Ngongi
UN Resident Coordinator