Government and United Nations Launch Joint Programme for Data and Statistics
30 January 2024
Caption: First Deputy Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga with the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Susan Ngongi Namondo, UN Heads of Agencies and Senior Government officials during the launch of the Joint Programme for Data and Statistics (JPDS) in Uganda on 30 January 2024 in Kampala
The joint programme is a strategic instrument to create catalytic change in the improvement of the quality, relevance and use of SDG data and statistics
Government and the United Nations System in Uganda have launched the Joint Programme for Data and Statistics (JPDS) in Uganda on 30 January 2024 in Kampala. The US$ 41,898,295 joint programme implemented by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and 12 UN entities in Uganda is anchored on Uganda’s third National Development Plan (NDP III) 2020/2021 - 2024/2025, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025 and the Third Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD III) 2020/21-2024/25.
The joint programme is a strategic instrument to create catalytic change in the improvement of the quality, relevance and use of SDG data and statistics in Uganda consistent with international human rights and gender equality norms and principles. The joint programme aims at improving the capacity of the National Statistical System to produce, disseminate and use data and statistics.
While launching the joint programme, First Deputy Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga speaking on behalf of the Prime Minister noted that, “as a country, we are at that critical take-off stage where we must continuously and simultaneously plan ahead, reflect on progress and weigh the options on the best way forward towards sustainable social and economic development across all sectors.”
State Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Hon. Amos Lugolobi said, “I am confident that this initiative will revolutionize our National Statistical System to tap into mainstreaming administrative and citizen generated data into the realm of official statistics."
While the Chairperson of the Board of UBOS, Dr. Albert Byamugisha observed that “the joint programme will greatly enhance the Development of the National Statistical System (NSS) and make the Bureau’s mandate more achievable by bringing all stakeholders on board.”
Caption: Executive Director of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), Dr. Chris Mukiza delivering his speech during the launch of the Joint Programme for Data and
Statistics (JPDS) in Uganda
In his remarks Executive Director of UBOS, Dr. Chris Mukiza noted that, “the joint programme was conceived mainly to close several gaps that have persistently affected Uganda’s data ecosystem despite all the progressive initiative over the years including lack of baseline information for some SDG indicators, slow pace of producing data series from administrative sources, limited technical skills for compilation of new SDG indicators and harnessing data from non-traditional sources; inadequate financial resources to procure requisite equipment for data collection and analysis and inadequate human resources.”
UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda, Susan Namondo called “the launch a celebration of a new approach. Several UN agencies were supporting the Government on data and statistics, but this was in a fragmented way, so a lot of synergies remained untapped. The new approach would augment the good work already happening."
Caption: UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Susan Ngongi Namondo delivering her speech during the launch of the Joint Programme for Data and Statistics (JPDS) in Uganda
Twelve (12) United Nations (UN) agencies have partnered with the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) to develop a Joint Programme for Data and Statistics in Uganda are the following: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Entity for Gender Entity and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the International Office of Migration (IOM) and United Nations Global Pulse (UNGP).
The launch was attended by representatives from Government, Development Partners, civil society, faith and cultural leaders, the private sector, academia and research institutions and the media. During the launch the findings of the status review of data and statistics in Uganda were disseminated. Technical experts during the panel discussion re-affirmed the critical role of data and statistics in tracking and accelerating progress on SDGs in Uganda. They also highlighted the need to consolidate existing and build new partnerships in the implementation of the Joint Programme for Data and Statistics in Uganda. The launch drew commitment from partners to support implementation of the joint programme for data and statistics in Uganda.
Written by
Michael Wangusa
Development Coordination Officer, Programme Communications and Advocacy