- The Honourable Minister of State for Foreign Affairs;
- The UNICEF Representative;
- The WFP Representative and Country Director;
- Representatives from Development Partners;
- Representatives from Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies;
- Representatives from Civil Society, Private Sector and Academia;
- UN Colleagues;
- Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am delighted to be with you here today, representing the United Nations family in Uganda, as we commission this new eco-friendly office premises for UNICEF and WFP in Uganda. I would like to thank the teams from both agencies for the dedication and hard work that has led to successful and timely completion of the new office premises.
The inauguration of the common office is a significant milestone in the history of the United Nations family in Uganda. Since the UN system began humanitarian and development operations in Uganda shortly after the country attained independence in 1962, this is the first office premise to be built and jointly owned by two UN agencies for their national headquarters in Kampala.
Today’s inauguration marks progress in the UN Secretary-General’s efficiency agenda, which aims to significantly reduce the amount of money that the UN spends on operations including renting offices and on utilities such as electricity and water. By coming together to construct these common office premises, UNICEF and WFP will in the long run save the United Nations a lot of money that would otherwise have been spent on rent. In addition, given that 80% of the overall energy usage will be based on solar, rainwater will be harvested, wastewater treated on site and re-used; this will not only contribute to cutting costs on utilities such as utility and water; but it will also reduce the carbon footprint. Therefore, the new eco-friendly office premises for UNICEF and WFP are a manifestation of the UN leading by example in Uganda in contributing to climate action – SDG-13. The UN is shifting the climate discourse and implementing critical climate solutions. This new eco-friendly office was built with a strong focus on sustainability.
The common premises avail the opportunity to further the UN Secretary-General’s efficiency agenda through shared common back-office services such as information communication technology (ICT), security, catering, cleaning, meeting and conference rooms. The UN will be able to save costs further through sharing such office-based services.
The new common premises also have wellness and health amenities, gender-sensitive services including a gym, breastfeeding room, nursery, green gardens and ramps for full disability access. These are a clear demonstration of the UN practicing what we preach, in promoting SDG-3 on Good Health and Well-being; SDG-5 Gender Equality and SDG-10 Reduced Inequalities. We call on all other stakeholders including Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies; Local Governments, Private Sector and Civil Society Organisations to emulate these best practices.
The construction of these premises is an indication of the commitment of UNICEF and WFP to stay in Uganda for the long haul and contribute to the journey of socio-economic transformation of the country as outlined in Vision 2040.
As the UN together, including UNICEF and WFP, we will continue working to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to support vulnerable populations by addressing the root causes of poverty, hunger, and inequality.
Thank you.